We’re so happy to see you again!

Thank you for taking the time to chat with one of our canvassers. We hope your conversation inspired you to learn more.  

While these issues might seem huge in scope, we have real, tangible solutions that help people change their lives. With your support, we can help women and girls lift themselves, their families and communities out of poverty and out of crisis and build a better, more equal world for us all.

We support women's safety 

We invest in women's liveihood

We promote women's health 

We save lives in emergencies


Now, the women have money. They have jobs. They have been led out of this poverty. And then what else do you have? We have security now.


CARE project participant in Ghana 


We know that when women and girls have the resources and support they need and can access the leadership opportunities they deserve, they are able to better withstand crises, break the cycle of poverty and make the world a better, more equal place for EVERYONE.

Take our 5-second quiz to find out more about how, together with our partners and communities around the world, women are changing their lives.

©2023 CARE Canada. Charity Registration Number: 11883 8333 RR0001

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Maybe you learned that... 

1 in 3 women around the world experience gender-based violence

A woman dies every 2 minutes due to pregnancy or childbirth

1 in 10 women live in extreme poverty